
Jeju Island Artist Collective 

“Jeju island” is an artistic collaborative team composed of Kyung-Jin Kim, Eunsun Choi and Yeon Jin Kim, all immigrants from South Korea living and working in New York City. Through our practice we exorcize universal fears and anxieties through humor, imagination and invention. Our work takes many forms but focuses on the effort to negotiate everyday reality and to fit into our adopted American culture. These efforts range from hopeless but earnest, to innocent and humorous, sometimes arriving at the poignantly affecting.

Kyung-jin Kim utilizes interactive sound installations to explore the substance of liminality inherent to dislocation, translation and adjustment.

Throughout humorous inventions and contraptions Eunsun Choi’s work takes many forms but invariably comprises efforts to negotiate reality and her adopted American culture. Various anxieties and traumas are confronted and dealt with inventively and humorously.

Yeon Jin Kim enlists and adapts folk and craft traditions historically demeaned by male- dominant art education in a totalitarian society, to reveal and overturn repressive systems as well as video narratives.

Jeju Island Artist Collective